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Wednesday 5 October 2011

Photos from Last Night's DEG Party.

Last night, once again,  we all said "Aufwiedersehen" until 2012 to one another.  The party  with the German/English Association was a lively affair, with a good singer and pianist who kept us entertained with English songs during the evening.  The photo shows from left Treve, the DEG Chairman in BS, receiving a present of Bath glass from Don, the Chairman of the Bath Twinning group,  with, standing centre, his wife Lyn.  Also at our party were members of the Bath Petanque group who have been in BS playing their counterparts here.  It was a lovely evening, and we all enjoyed the refreshments so generously donated by members of the DEG. 

The photo below shows the singer entertaining us all, and the lowest photo the church hall, where the party was held.   It opened only recently, and is one of those functionally designed modern buildings, that the Germans are so good at constructing.  The interior was a colourful orange, blue and cream  with all the necessary construction nuts and bolts used as decorative features.  I like the overhanging eaves, functional for protecting the entrance from heavy snow.

Tonight two close friends visit to drink beer and say yet another "Aufwiedersehen."  I must shop today for drink and snacks and yet more tissues for my tears of farewell!

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