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Friday 29 July 2011

The Cloistered Church at Riddagshausen

Today Janet and I visited Riddagshausen and the Klosterkirche of St Marie.  It was founded in 1145 as a monastery by Cistercian monks, who formed a close knit community living a simple life, growing  their own food and attending religious services around the clock.   They even had to get up in the night, oh dear, not for me I'm afraid.   I will continue this write up tomorrow, as after this afternoon's guided tour, wandering slowing around the grounds, the herb garden and the fish ponds,  I am too tired to think and my feet are killing me.  I'll be back tomorrow, when I can write a lucid account of my wonderful visit.                      www.klosterkirche-riddagshausen.de


Carved wooden font cover.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good, and curiously it looks more English than German, at least than the Rhineland churches we have seen with their colourful walls.
    Gisela and I are getting everything ready for a Friday funeral. We will each have our words to say.
